12 Week Challenge coming to Burscough
SCFI are now offering their 12 Week Challenge in a new location! The programme will run in Burscough on Monday afternoons throughout November and December, and into January. Registration for the course is on October 31st 2016 at The Grove, Station Approach Burscough L40 0RZ. .
The 12 Week Challenge helps us look at how a healthy diet and lifestyle affects our health, behaviour, and our ability to lose weight.
This is group session which helps individuals learn from one another. The group facilitator supports participants to become independent by the end of the programme and helps participants to achieve their ideal weight.
Topics include 12 sessions for physical activity, diet traps and sabotage, cravings, portion sizes, alcohol, pitfalls and peer pressure, comfort eating, weight loss plateau and maintenance.
Get in touch if you want to book on to the Burscough programme: email enquiries.scfi@gmail.com or phone: 01695 720 555