Active Weight course starting
Discover the benefits of improving your health, making healthier food choices, and becoming more active.
Sign up to the FREE 12 week Active Weight course starting now!
- Burscough: Tuesdays 10am -12noon at Burscough Methodist Church, Orrell Lane, Burscough, L40 0SG
- Skelmersdale: Wednesdays 1.30pm-3.30pm at Greenhill Community Hub, Beech Close, Skelmersdale WN8 8DL
- Appley Bridge: Thursdays 10am-12noon at Appley Bridge Village Hall, Appley Lane North, Appley Bridge, WN6 9AQ
The second half of the session will involve some gentle exercise/activity. Whilst this is advisable, it is optional!
Booking is essential – limited places available. Contact Active West Lancs on 01695-555804.