Tai Chi
Come along to our Tai Chi class! You will be introduced to an easy and effective Tai Chi form - proven to regulate blood insulin levels, improve balance, coordination, and well-being, and alleviate stress and anxiety.
There is a new Monday session running at Emmauel Church Hall, Derby Street, Ormskirk 10 – 11am – places available and free of charge but booking is essential. Please ring 01695 555804.
Tuesday session at Burscough is continuing at Methodist Church Hall, Burscough, L40 0SG, 11am-12pm. EAch session costs £4. Bookings direct with Heather Reade mobile:07450954900 email: taichicircle@live.com
Please wear comfortable clothing and flat-soled footwear (soft trainers); bring a bottle of water for the break.