Show What You Grow 2019
A blooming good time was had by all, when school children from across West Lancs celebrated their growing achievements recently at the annual Show What You Grow day. Over 50 children from 8 schools brought their school grown produce, homemade scarecrows and displays of their work to the celebration event organised by the Community Food Growing project of West Lancs CVS (funded by Active West Lancs) and West Lancs Allotment Federation.
After the Mayor Gaynar Owen had opened the event, the children enjoyed explaining their gardening activities as she toured the displays. They then enthusiastically demonstrated their skills in the gardening quiz, the Grow Your Own activity books and by creating fantastic bugs, bees and butterflies out of vegetables.
In the afternoon the children took to the stage to share their gardening club stories and then cheered on their teachers as they took part in a welly throwing competition. The day ended with prize giving and taking home a range of goodies to help their growing efforts in the year ahead.
A Skelmersdale based business called ‘All About Food’ donated a prize for the Best Display of Work. The lucky winning school was Holmeswood Methodist whose gardening club will visit All About Food’s office The Tree House, to find out more about their partnership with farmers and sustainable agriculture. They will then be treated to lunch at Nando’s as part of the prize package!
The CVS is grateful to West Lancashire College for use of their gym as the event venue and above all to Upholland Tawd Vale Lions for funding the event. The event was also supported by M.A Forshaw of Scarisbrick who provided the vegetables.